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I'm sweet....certified CHOCOHOLIC.... and I love my country and countrymen.. I Superlove the Aquinos!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I was very happy when I got this photo.....
It was my favorite Aquino, Ballsy Cruz,
crying while Ms.Kris was delivering
her speech during the wake of
Pres. Cory.
She's still beautiful on whatever situation!
I love Ballsy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I was surfing the net, looking for Ballsy's pictures. I saw this picture which has a link on your blog. Thank GOD I discovered your blog. Like you, I am also addicted to Ballsy. I love them all but I love Ballsy the most. You are amazing, I like you.

    By the way I am Cee, I added you up on facebook. I am 18 and I am a journalism student from the Manila Times!




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